How Do I Clear Up Skin Tags That Itch?

Skin tags are known medically as papiloma colli or acrochordons. It’s a benign skin condition where a small flap of skin hangs loosely from the body. They can be itchy if they become irritated, and also if they’ve been incorrectly self-diagnosed.

The good news is that they’re non-cancerous growths. You’ll typically find them around the neck, eyes, underarms, anus, and groin area. They’re often the same color as the skin but can vary by several shades. If you keep touching them, they may become infected or blood-filled.

Skin tags protrude from a stalk that’s attached to the skin. There’s a blood vessel that supplies it with blood and oxygen, so it’s become a living part of the human body. They can be safely removed from most areas of the body with a TagBand device.

About 59% of people who reach 70+ will develop skin tags on their face and body. So, the majority of people will have skin tags or skin tags that itch. Let’s explore some of the possible reasons why the itchiness occurs.

What Are the Causes of Itchy Skin Tags?

If you’ve noticed irritation or redness, here are some of the explanations:

  • Clothing may be catching on the skin tag.
  • You start scratching and excessively rubbing the area.
  • Reactions to certain skin creams, lotions, and chemicals.
  • Sudden weather changes.
  • Dry skin patches cause itching.
  • Incorrect medical diagnosis

Anal or Genital Skin Tags Vs Similar Medical Conditions

You may have found that you have a sore and itchy anus. Itchy skin tags around the anus and groin area could indicate that you have a different health condition. It could be an STD or an inflammatory disease.

Both conditions can be cleared up by a medical professional. They won’t go away on their own, so you do need to take action as soon as possible.

Here are some conditions that are mistakenly identified as being skin tags:

If you experience bleeding or itchiness from a skin tag around the anus, seek out some medical advice. It might not be a skin tag, and it’s going to be difficult for you to self-treat.

Treatments Available for Removing Itchy Skin Tags

There are treatments available for removing itchy skin tags that have been caused by irritation. Here are some of the options:

Tea Tree Oil

Australian tea tree oil has been used successfully for the treatment of skin tags. No one treatment works for everyone, and the evidence is only anecdotal, but tea tree oil has proven to be very effective.

You just need to apply Apothecary tea tree oil 2 to 3 times a day with a q-tip. It’s completely organic, but it’s not a quick solution. It can take 3 to 6 weeks before the skin tag dries up and falls off. The advantage is that it won’t cause any scarring.

Tie Off with String

Another method is to tie off the skin tag at the bottom of the stalk with dental floss. This cuts off the flow of blood, and it’s unable to survive without a supply of oxygenated blood. Apply rubbing alcohol before attempting to tie off a skin tag as this will thoroughly sterilize the area.

There is a new skin tag removal device that performs the same function and will remove the skin tag in only 7 to 10 days. The kit is called the Tagband, and it comes with a specialized cone that fits over the skin tag. It then places a rubber band snugly around the stalk. It’s the safe alternative to tying off skin tags with a bit of string.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is another way to remove skin tags that constantly itch. Most doctors will use a topical numbing solution before attempting to remove the tag with a laser. Removal is instant, but some aftercare will be required until the area has completely healed.

Freeze Them Off

You can freeze skin tags with liquid nitrogen. It inhibits the flow of blood to the area, so it’ll drop off after 1 or 2 applications. This is a process that can be carried out by your doctor or at home with an over-the-counter treatment. A good OTC product is compound w freeze off.

Cutting off skin tags off is inadvisable because it could cause an infection. Any skin tag around the anus or genital area should be examined by a medical professional.

Why Do New Skin Tags That Itch Keep Appearing?

There are many theories as to why skin tags occur. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and menopause.
  • Weight gain that causes more skin folds.
  • They’re in your genetics, and other members of the family have skin tags.
  • They could be a symptom of diabetes.
  • HPV type 6 and 11 ‘may’ contribute to skin tag increase, especially among people with a darker skin tone. A medical study performed on 37 different people seemed to suggest that 48.6% of skin tags were found to coincide with HPV 6-11.
  • Steroid usage.

What To Do About Skin Tags That Itch

Before you treat a skin tag, make sure that you’ve self-diagnosed the condition correctly or sought the professional opinion of a doctor. Mistakes are most commonly made when diagnosing skin tags in areas such as the anus and genitals. If you’re unsure, seek medical advice.

Be careful about removing skin tags from sensitive areas, such as the penis, testicles, and vaginal area. Aside from diagnosing the problem correctly, certain treatments can lead to irritation and pain. That’s unlikely to be the case when getting rid of skin tags on other areas of the body.

The removal of itchy skin tags is simple. If they’ve become irritated or infected, wait until the area has cleared up first. If it’s a bit red and sore, a topical cream will clear up the problem in a few days. You can then use the TagBand removal device to get rid of itchy skin tags fast.

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