Skin tags are ubiquitous. Although they don’t look healthy, when identified correctly, they are not a health concern. Medically known as acrochordons, they are just a benign skin condition, which means that they’re completely harmless.
The first thing that comes to mind when someone sees a skin tag on the body is that they have a form of skin cancer. This isn’t the case. They grow in folds of skin, or where there is a lot of friction, but they aren’t malignant. If you still feel concerned, check with a doctor.
Removing skin tags on your back can be tricky on your own. You’ll need someone to help you, but an over-the-counter product that will remove them is the Micro TagBand Device. It’ll prevent blood flowing to small and medium-sized skin tags, so they can’t survive. Most people find that they’re gone in just 7 to 10 days. The only issue is that it doesn’t work as well on those tiny skin tags that sometimes appear.
Skin tags can become painful if they are always rubbing against something. For example, when a woman has a skin tag on her back, her bra strap may rub against it, making it sore, irritated, and infected.
Ways to Remove Skin Tags on Your Back
You may not even notice that you have a skin tag on the back until someone, perhaps your partner, points it out to you. That’s when you start to feel self-conscious and want an OTC treatment that will remove it quickly.
So, let’s take a look at some of your options:
Apply Tea Tree Oil 2 to 3 Times a Day
Tea tree oil is effective. This is because it dries out the skin tag, stopping the blood flow and supply of oxygen. When used correctly, the skin tag will usually go away after about 3 to 6 weeks.
Since tea tree oil is potent, you should apply petroleum jelly, or Vaseline, to the surrounding skin. Make sure that you don’t get any on the skin tag or the stalk as it will prevent it from working.
Put the tea tree oil on a Q-tip or small cotton swab, and apply it. Doing this 2 to 3 times a day works well for most people. If the skin tag is tiny, you can use a toothpick or a similar sterile item.
You’ll ideally apply it first thing in the morning, after work, and before you go to bed. Application in the late afternoon will help to speed up the removal process. However, this isn’t always practical for people who work long hours.
Safely Tying Off Skin Tags with Dental Floss
Some people use dental floss to tie off the skin tag, to stop the blood flow from reaching it. The medical term for this process is ligation.
You may have read that people use thin string or dental floss. They pull the skin tag so that they reach the stalk, and then they tie a knot very tightly around it. This sometimes causes pain, and it might not work if the knot becomes loose. It can also lead an infection.
There is a product called the TagBand that will do the same thing, but it’s much easier to use, and it’s more hygienic. If you click this link, you’ll be taken to our in-depth review. We provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it to get the best results.
The TagBand is easy to use. When you have a skin tag on your back, you’re probably going to need help. All that you have to do to use it is to apply the band to the base of the skin tag using the tool that is provided. The kit comes with an easy-to-use applicator that holds the band open until you release it.
Just leave it on for a week, and the skin tag will die and fall off. No fuss, no pain, and no bleeding. It works fast and can be used on large and small skin tags alike. Just note that there are two sizes available.
Doctors and Dermatologists
Since some people are leery of removing skin tags themselves, especially in a place where they can’t see, such as the back, they go to the doctor. They have many ways to remove skin tags, and they will talk with you to see which would be the best option.
Sometimes they cut them off with a scalpel or scissors at the base of the skin tag. They can also freeze off or cauterize skin tags.
The drawback of having a doctor do it is that it will cost you up to $100+ per skin tag. You’ll also have to pay for an initial consultation if it’s not covered by your health insurance.
Insurance companies won’t pay for it, as they consider it to be a cosmetic problem. The good news is that you can get the same results with Compound W Freeze Off if freezing skin tags is your preferred option.
Use a Chemical Peel to Remove a Skin Tag
Dermatologists use chemical peels to remove skin tags. When you want to remove it yourself, you should use a strength of 50% to 80%. This is strong, but it will work faster.
- Here is our guide on the removal of skin tags with a chemical peel.
It is also a good idea to have a paste of baking soda and water on hand, just in case you get it on your healthy skin. It will neutralize the acid and will stop a chemical burn from occurring.
As long as you follow the directions, you will be able to remove a skin tag after a few applications. Again, depending on where it is located on your back, you may want to ask someone for assistance.
No matter what treatment you choose, you can successfully remove skin tags on your back. Using a safe product, such as the TagBand skin tag removal device, not only nullifies your chance of getting an infection but it is also painless and easy to use.